3.G.A.1 Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.
The students will identify five basic 3-dimensional shapes.
- I can identify a cone.
- I can identify a cylinder.
- I can identify a sphere.
- I can identify a pyramid.
- I can identify a prism.
- I can describe a cone.
- I can describe a cylinder.
- I can describe a sphere.
- I can describe a pyramid.
- I can describe a prism.
The student will construct a pyramid.
- I can construct a pyramid.
I will give each student an entrance card as they enter the room. I will hold up each of the five 3-dimensional shapes and have the students list them if they know what they are. This will allow me to introduce the topic as well as get a pre-assessment of what the students knew before the lesson.
Task Analysis
The teacher will distribute the entrance cards to introduce the topic and access the students’ prior knowledge.
- Display each of the five 3-dimensional shapes one by one and ask students write down what they think the name of it is on the entrance card.
- Once they have finished, collect the entrance cards.
- Explain that these shapes are 3-dimensional or 3-D “solids”, which means that they have a thickness, as well as a width and a height.
- Discuss how geometric objects, such as triangles and rectangles are 2-dimensional or 2-D, which means they are flat with only a width and height.
- Which shapes can roll? Cone, cylinder, and sphere
- Which shapes have a “tip”? Cone and pyramid
- Which shape has no flat faces? Sphere
- Which shapes have all flat faces? Pyramid and prism
- Which shapes have both curved and flat faces? Cylinder and cone
- Have students take out their scissors and glue.
- The teacher will read the directions aloud with the whole class.
- Show students your model of the square pyramid
- Students will get together in pairs to explore and construct a square pyramid.
- Circulate around the room and assist students as needed.
- Explain how 3-D shapes, such as prisms and pyramids have flat faces shaped like polygons, but because they are 3-D we call them polyhedrons, meaning many faces.
- Identify the faces, edges and vertices of the pyramid.
- Identify its base and point out that all the other faces come together at the vertex opposite the base.
- How is a cone similar to a pyramid? Both have one base with the vertex opposite \the base.
- How are they different? They have different shaped bases: a square and a circle. They have different edges: curved and straight.
- Students will name the five polyhedrons
- Students will write one thing that is still unclear to them.
Thinking Levels
- Can you identify different polyhedrons?
- Can you describe different polyhedrons?
- Can you compare and contrast different polyhedrons?
- Can construct a square pyramid?
Learning Styles and Accommodations
Learning Styles
- Spatial: Students will see five different polyhedrons, along with seeing a chart.
- Aural: Students will listen to the teacher identify and describe the different polyhedrons.
- Linguistic: Students will answer questions about polyhedrons.
- Interpersonal: Students will construct a polyhedron with a partner.
- Students who struggle with constructing a square pyramid will receive additional help from my teacher and I while others are working on their pyramids.
- Students who are highly motivated may construct a triangular prism.
Methods and Materials
- Five 3-D Shapes
- Entrance Card
- Exit Card
- Scissors
- Glue
- Pencils
- White Board
- Dry Erase Markers
- Polyhedrons Chart
- Elmo Doc Cam (if available)
- Students will work independently and in pairs.
- Students will listen to direct instruction.
- Students will also do some inquiry based learning.
- Students will view a chart on polyhedrons
- Students will work in pairs to construct a square pyramid
- Students will work independently on entrance and exit cards.
- Students will listen to whole group instruction.
- Students who would rather draw a square pyramid rather than construct one may do so instead.
- The students will help me describe the characteristics of different polyhedrons before attempting to do it on their own.
- Students who construct a square pyramid correctly and identify all five of the 3-D shapes on the exit card will have met the lesson objective.
- The students will complete an exit card as a check out to the lesson.
· Everyday Mathematics